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About CBD Kratom

CBD Kratom carries the largest selection of high quality cannabis, kava and kratom products you'll find anywhere. Each product is lab tested several times for purity and consistency before it's sold in our stores. CBD Kratom has over 60 retail locations throughout Chicago, Dallas, Houston, New York, Philadelphia, and St. Louis.

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What is CBD?

CBD is a safe, non-addictive substance derived from a natural chemical compound active in the hemp plant. It offers a variety of health benefits that reduce anxiety, pain, and sleeplessness without producing a ‘high’ for the user.

What is Kratom?

Kratom is a relative of the coffee family and native to Southeast Asia where it was used for many years as a natural pain killer. Its active alkaloids ingredients can offer pain relief, energy, immune boost & focus.

Ready to keep learning?

There's more to discover

Exploring the Green Strain of Kratom

Kratom leaves come in three main vein colors: red, green, and white. Let's dive into the green vein, and all of its potential benefits.

Top 3 Products to Microdose

Looking to add microdosing to your daily routine?
We've got you covered.